Book me for snagging...
Stop them nagging!

A full day for all those "little things" that need doing in your home - at a reduced daily rate!

Ideal for when you have "that list"
of small jobs that keeps growing. 

You can also "gift me"
I will create a personalised voucher, at no extra charge, for you to print off or email
to your recipient. 

From hanging a shelf and replacing a socket...
to re-sealing a bath and tidying your flower bed!

When you just need a wee hand or if
you don't want to give up your free time for DIY! 

Just book AM Property Works for a date
that suits you and get it done! 

Simply prepare your wishlist
and I will get as much of it done in a day,
at a reduced rate of £130!

Here are some examples    >>

Something on your wishlist not there?
Just ask! 

view all examples of types of jobs here

The Wishlist Special is offered for limited periods, once or twice a year only and will be announced on social media, when available.  There are limited slots for each period and once gone - no more will be available until the next offer period.

You can secure your Wishlist date at the time of purchase.

For those purchased as gifts - the giftee can get in touch with AMPW directly, to book their Wishlist date.

Please be aware that the AMPW diary may be booked for up to a couple of months ahead.